Wataynikaneyap would like to thank those who participated in the environmental assessment process for Phase 2: Connecting 17 Remote First Nation Communities (the Project). Wataynikaneyap has now responded to comments received on their Final Environmental Study Report (ESR) for the Project. Through comments received during the review period on the Final ESR, revisions have been incorporated to Section 3.0 Project Description and to Section 9.0 Environmental and Social Management Plan. The Final ESR has been updated including withdrawing reference to aggregate extraction activities from the scope of the Project for this environmental assessment process. Aggregate sites required to support the Project will instead be addressed through a separate environmental assessment and permitting process in advance of construction. The Project mapping presented in Appendix 3.4A provides the Project footprint for which effects were assessed in the Final ESR; and reflects revisions to withdraw aggregate extraction activities from the scope, as well as other corrections in response to comments received on the Final ESR. Responses that resolved information requests received on the Final ESR and corresponding ESR sections requests are available at http://www.wataypower.ca/project/phase-2.
Information on the Project will continue to be shared through this website as the Project advances.