
Nishnawbe Aski Nation Resolution– May 17 2012
- Support and advocate to promote the Wataynikaneyap Power initiative.
Chiefs of Ontario (COO) Resolution – November 25 2015
- Calls on both levels of government to agree on an appropriate funding mechanism
- Expresses to the governments of Ontario and Canada the urgency for the project
- Support for Wataynikaneyap Power as the designated transmitter
Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Resolution – December 8 2016
- Support for Wataynikaneyap Power as the designated transmitter
- Direct the National Chief to write a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to identify the Project as a federal priority
- Calls on Ontario and Canada to immediately develop a funding framework to resource the Project
Support of the people (trappers, land users, etc.)
Ministry of Energy - Achieving Balance Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
"Connecting the remote communities is a priority for Ontario. Ontario will continue to work with the federal government to connect remote First Nation communities to the electricity grid or find alternatives where it is not economically feasible to do so.
Success in connecting the remote communities will depend on contributions from all of the parties that benefit from the new transmission lines and other infrastructure, particularly the federal government, whose commitment and co-operation will be required to make this priority project a reality. The federal government, which is responsible for supporting First Nation community infrastructure, would also share in the savings, as the costs associated with using diesel fuel would be reduced.
The federal government would receive additional benefits beyond the diesel related savings. Once the remote communities are connected, there would be a reduction in the environmental impact and environmental liabilities associated with diesel spills, lower greenhouse gas emissions, improved social and living conditions for remote community residents, and increased opportunities for economic development within First Nation communities."
Ontario Energy Board - New Line to Pickle Lake and Connection of Remote First Nation Communities
On July 20, 2016, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by Order in Council:
- designated as priority transmission projects pursuant to section 96.1 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 the construction of an electricity transmission line originating at a point between Ignace and Dryden and terminating at Pickle Lake (the “Line to Pickle Lake”) and the construction of electricity transmission lines extending north from Pickle Lake and Red Lake to connect 16 remote communities (the “Remote Communities”) (the “Remotes Connection Project”); and
- pursuant to section 28.6.1 of the Ontario Energy
Board Act, 1998 directed (the “Directive”) the Ontario Energy Board (the “OEB”
or “Board”) to amend the electricity transmission license conditions of 2472883
Ontario Inc. on behalf of Wataynikaneyap Power LP (“Wataynikaneyap Power LP “)
to develop and seek approvals for the Line to Pickle Lake and the Remotes
Connection Project.
McDowell Lake First Nation has expressed a desire to become connected to the Project. Wataynikaneyap Power will pursue options, as licensed transmitter, to provide economic means to connect McDowell Lake First Nation to the Project.
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