Guiding Principles
1. Our people expect that the Wataynikaneyap Power Project will be undertaken in a manner that respects our lands, rights and principles; our way of life on the land and as part of the land; and our land sharing protocols.
2. Our sacred responsibilities given to us by the Creator are to protect the land, which protects us in return. Therefore the Project shall be built, operated and maintained in a way that minimizes adverse environmental impacts, as follows:
- The Project shall not poison the lands;
- No herbicides shall be used throughout the life of the transmission line to control vegetation;
- The Project shall be constructed, operated and maintained in a manner that observes and does not interfere with seasonal hunting, trapping, fishing and harvesting and keeps disturbances to a minimum;
- No new transmission lines shall be located underwater; and
- The Project will develop and implement an environmental and social management plan which will include acceptable and effective mitigation measures for any sacred sites, gathering sites, and harvesting sites.
3. The Project shall respect
confidentiality and comply with any conditions of use for any Traditional Land
and Resource Use information provided by the communities, including
intellectual property.
4. Our communities must maintain
decision-making and ownership, and receive benefits in the Project.