Meaningful and respectful stakeholder engagement is recommended to build solid relationships with interested stakeholders, and to improve the Project based on their input. Engagement is a requirement under the federal and provincial EA processes. Identifying and engaging with key stakeholders early in the process, and developing an Stakeholder Engagement Plan to act as a guidance document for engagement activities, are important steps in the process.
This Plan has been prepared to provide the foundation for an effective stakeholder engagement program in accordance with the regulatory requirements outlined in Section 2.0: Regulatory Requirements for Engagement. This Plan will be used to guide the Project team's stakeholder engagement activities throughout the preparation of the Environmental Study Report.
The Plan is considered a dynamic document that will be updated as necessary throughout the duration of the Project. Golder Associates Ltd. has been retained by Wataynikaneyap to provide advisory services throughout the EA process, including support throughout the stakeholder engagement process.
Download the Stakeholder Engagement Plan