Traditional Knowledge
Many First Nations people continue to practice their aboriginal land rights activities including hunting, fishing, trapping, gathering and harvesting. These land-based activities represent an important supplement with respect to food sources and additional income. Traditional activities go well beyond the boundaries of the First Nation Reserves. There are also several First Nation tourist outfitters within the study areas.
The First Nations understand that they have a sacred responsibility given to them by the Creator to care for the land and they take this responsibility with honor and respect. This responsibility is recognized in the principles for those who use the land:
- The land and its resources are the gift of the Creator.
- It is the responsibility of all people to use and to care for this gift.
- It is the responsibility of all people to respect the environment, the land, the water, the habitat and home of the animals, the fish, all that the Creator has made.
- Respect is shown by taking only what is needed and using and sharing all that is taken.
- It is the duty to those who use the land now to ensure that the land will provide equally for those who follow.
- It is the duty of those who use the land now to teach those who follow their duties and responsibilities to the land (Shibogama Interim Planning Board 1998).