Wataynikaneyap has issued its Final Environmental Study Report (ESR) for the Phase 2 Connecting 17 Remote First Nation Communities Project for review by Aboriginal communities and groups, agency and public stakeholder review. The Final ESR has been prepared to consider comments through review on the Draft ESR. The Final ESR will be available for review for 30 days and the comment period will end on December 17, 2018.
The Final ESR is available for viewing at the viewing locations listed below (during regular business hours) and can also be downloaded at this link: http://spatialim.golder.ca/Final_Phase2ESR.
Band offices of the following communities:
The notices below provide additional information on the environmental assessment processes this report was prepared to satisfy, how the approvals process for the environmental assessment will proceed after this review period, and how to share back your comments on the Final ESR. For further information, please see the contact us link or send an email to brett_thompson@golder.com.