Notice of Application and Hearing for Wataynikaneyap’s Application to the Ontario Energy Board for Leave to Construct its Transmission Project

September 26, 2018

The Ontario Energy Board has issued a Notice of Application and Hearing in connection with Wataynikaneyap’s application for leave to construct its transmission project.  The Notice and the application materials are available as follows:

Notice of Application and Hearing (English)
Notice of Application and Hearing (French)
Notice of Application and Hearing (Ojibway)
Notice of Application and Hearing (Oji-Cree)

Formal Application for Leave to Construct

Complete Application for Leave to Construct with Supporting Evidence:

WPLP_APPL_Leave to Construct (PUBLIC)

WPLP_APPL_Leave to Construct (PUBLIC)_D-2-1_Fig 3(a)
WPLP_APPL_Leave to Construct (PUBLIC)_D-2-1_Fig 3(b)
WPLP_APPL_Leave to Construct (PUBLIC)_D-2-1_Fig 3(c)
WPLP_APPL_Leave to Construct (PUBLIC)_D-2-1_Fig 3(d)
WPLP_APPL_Leave to Construct (PUBLIC)_D-2-1_Fig 3(e)

Please note that on October 5, 2018 Wataynikaneyap filed an update to its application for leave to construct and supporting evidence.  A letter describing the changes that have been made, along with the updated application and supporting evidence, are available as follows:

WPLP_Ltr_Appl Amendments_20181005

WPLP_REV_APPL_Leave to Construct (PUBLIC)_20181005
WPLP_REV_APPL_Leave to Construct (PUBLIC)_D-2-1_Fig 3a_20181005
WPLP_REV_APPL_Leave to Construct (PUBLIC)_D-2-1_Fig 3b_20181005
WPLP_REV_APPL_Leave to Construct (PUBLIC)_D-2-1_Fig 3c_20181005
WPLP_REV_APPL_Leave to Construct (PUBLIC)_D-2-1_Fig 3d_20181005
WPLP_REV_APPL_Leave to Construct (PUBLIC)_D-2-1_Fig 3e_20181005