The Phase 1 Project is subject to an Individual environmental assessment (EA) under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act (EAA). On June 20, 2019, the Minister of the MECP, with the Lieutenant Governor in Council, approved the Project with conditions. Since the issuance of the Minister’s decision, Wataynikaneyap has identified Project design changes to optimize and improve design, thereby reducing the overall Project footprint, which has in most cases resulted in a decrease in potential adverse environmental effects. The key revisions to the Project design include:
As per the requirements set out in Section 13.4 Amendment Procedure of the Amended Final EA Report, Wataynikaneyap has prepared this draft amendment to the Final Amended EA Report to address the proposed Project design changes. This draft amendment identifies the proposed design changes, their rationale and any new potential environmental effects from the changes. This draft amendment is provided for a 30-day public review and comment period. The report is available for review on the Wataynikaneyap website at Draft Amendment to the Amended Final EA Report.
Anyone wishing to provide comments on the environmental assessment must submit their comments in writing, email and/or by fax to the Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks by August 1, 2019. The Notice below provided additional detail, including contact details for the comment submission. A copy of all comments will be forwarded to the Wataynikaneyap for its consideration. For further information, please contact Callum Squires (